Our approach
How we work
A real time saver
CURAclaim boasts experienced claims specialists utilizing powerful tools on and off site that allow for property claims to be resolved quickly and accurately.
24/7, 365 claim support
CURAclaim offers you round the clock claim support. Simply give us a call, drop us an email or submit via our online portal and one of our staff will be happy to assist you.
Not rocket science
Whether you’ve never touched a claim before or are a claim wizard, our services are built for users of all skill levels. We’ll help you manage your claim to best practices.
Contents made simple.
Our services.
Inventory Creation
A CURAclaim Field Operative will arrive on-site within 24-72 hours to compile an inventory and take digital photographs of the loss.
Contents Valuation
Personal or Commercial, itemized inventory list will be researched, evaluated and priced on LKQ (RCV & ACV.) Spreadsheets are customizable.
Contents Disposal
CURAclaim will dispose of all debris from a loss. Let us take care of the logistics and heavy lifting while you focus on your policyholder.
Pack Out
CURAclaim can perform a pack-out of loss items ensuring that cleanable or salvageable items can be organized for cleaning, resell or storage.
Salvage Assessment
CURAclaim will take an assessment of all loss items and determine the best practices on selling salvageable property for a return to carrier.
Cleaning Assessment
A CURAclaim Field Operative will perform an assessment of all items that are deemed cleanable. We will provide risks involved based off best practices.